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NGO Committee Approves Four Requests


15 Março 1985



The Committee on Non-Governmental Organizations (NGOs) this afternoon recommended that the Economic and Social Council grant requests by two organizations -- Zonta International and Greek Archdiocesan Council of North and South America -- for Category I consultative status with the Council

Recommended for Category II status was Save the Children (UK), a national organization, which provides relief in disasters and contributes to the long-term welfare of children in need.  While some delegates preferred that it be given Roster status, most were convinced that the organization made impressive contributions in the humanitarian field and should receive the status it had requested.

The COmmittee further recommended that the Council grant to Dayemi Complex -- an organization that deals mainly with the welfare and education of orphans in Bangladesh -- the Roster status it had requested.

Pending clarification of its membership and activities, the Committee decided to defer to 1987 further consideration of the application of the International Association against Torture for Category II status.

Three categories of consultative status are recognized.  Organizations in Category I are concerned with most of the Council’s activities and are entitled to submit written statements, be granted hearings and propose agenda items for consideration by the Council and its subsidiaries.  Organizations in Category II must be internationally known for specific competence in some areas of the Council’s activities; they can submit written statements and be granted hearings.  Organizations that make occasional, useful contributions to the work of the Council are placed in the third category, known as the Roster, and are only entitled to submit written statements.

The Committee will meet again at 10:30 a.m. on Monday, 18 March, to continue its examination of the requests of NGOs for consultative status or reclassification of status.


Zonta International

In making the recommendation on Zonta International, Committee members agreed that the Chicago-based organization, which has among its stated aims the improvement of the status of women and the fostering of goodwill and peace, was engaged in beneficial activities and met the criteria for Category I status.

The representative of Zonta International, Valerie Levitant, said its members included former and current prominent officials of the United Nations and Governments.  Its membership was world-wide; it was known for its humanitarian work with refugee and relief organizations and for its association with the United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) in the areas of health care, education and social programmes.  It was also known for its work in advancing the status of women, its dissemination of United Nations documentation through its many clubs and for its ability to mobilize public opinion in support of United Nations resolutions and international instruments.


Greek Orthodox Diocesan Council

In recommending that the Council grant Category I status to the Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council of North and South America, Committee members agreed that its activities were relevant to a wide range of activities of the Council as well as of other United Nations organs.

The Council, established in 1931, states in its application that it is an international organization dedicated to supporting programmes in developing countries.  Its principal aims are to administer the religious, cultural and academic needs of 579 Greek Orthodox communities throughout North and South America.

Lila Prounis, the representative of the organization, which is based in New York City, said it was a humanitarian, family-oriented body concerned with the well-being of the person, and the improvement of the social and living conditions of all people.  It was concerned with education, the well-being of children throughout the world, human rights, youth, the status of women, the aging, disabled persons and the elimination of hunger.  It had raised funds for the famine in Ethiopia and also provided assistance in cases of natural disasters.


Save the Children Fund (UK)

Save the Children Fund (UK), founded in 1919 and headquartered in London, states that it is national.  It aims to provide relief in disaster and contribute to the long-term welfare of children in need, both in the United Kingdom and overseas.  The organization requested, ad was recommended for, Category II status.


Dayemi Complex

The Dayemi Complex is a national organization set up in 1969 and based in Dhaka, Bangladesh.  It states that it is a social and humanitarian voluntary organization that establishes primary schools and colleges, mosques, orphanages, and vocational institutes in Bangladesh.  It applied and was recommended for Roster status.