2016 Groundwater - Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council (GOAC) at the UN

2016 Groundwater Event Header

The Protection and Management of Transboundary Groundwater:
Legal Issues and the Human Right to Water





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2016 Groundwater Event Summary

Transboundary groundwater resources are of critical importance to the prosperity and well-being of individuals and States, not only for the present, but for future generations. Their protection is essential to ensuring the Human Right to Water. Groundwater constitutes the vast majority of the globe’s freshwater supply, for potable, industrial, and agricultural use.  Frequently, aquifers that contain this valuable resource straddle national boundaries.  Recent years have thus seen increased attention paid to the development of international legal principles and regimes that have the aim of helping to protect and manage transnational groundwater resources. It is nevertheless generally understood that the international legal regime pertaining to transboundary groundwater is still less developed than the regime applicable to more visible transboundary surface waters.


The Sixth Committee of the UN General Assembly is currently discussing the law of transboundary aquifers.  This event provides an open exchange of views and experiences regarding this topic.  It will serve as an opportunity to discuss recent developments in the international law governing transboundary groundwater, along with ideas on the further development of this area of law.  It will also provide an opportunity to consider the challenges currently facing States with respect to managing and protecting shared groundwater resources, and will offer an opportunity to discuss how lessons from international cooperation in other contexts might help chart a path forward.

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יישומים מקוננים

Amb. Caleb Otto Photo


H.E. Dr. Caleb Otto

Ambassador Extraordinary and Plenipotentiary
Permanent Representative of Palau to the UN


Christina Hioureas Bio Photo


Christina Hioureas, Esq.
Chair of United Nations Practice Group
Foley Hoag LLP


Javier Taks Bio Photo


Dr. Javier Taks
Chairman of the UNESCO Chair on Water and Culture
Universidad de la República Uruguay


יישומים מקוננים

Nicholas Anton Event Photo


Nicholas Anton, Moderator
Coordinator of UN Programs
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese


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מפרסם נכסים

Co-organized by the Permanent Mission of Palau, the Mining Working Group and the Greek Orthodox Archdiocese.