2016 - CSW60 ISIL Event - Greek Orthodox Archdiocesan Council (GOAC) at the UN
Forced Migration, Human Trafficking, and Child Soldiers:
How ISIL is Exploiting the Conflict in the Middle East
This interactive dialogue will address the self-proclaimed Islamic State of Iraq and the Levant's (ISIL) exploitation of the Middle East's current political and humanitarian instability for their own gain. This exploitation and its many consequences result in negative effects on sustainable development. The panel will primarily address the effects of ISIL's actions on the local populations, specifically in terms of forced migration, human trafficking, and child soldiers.
Li Fung
Office of the Secretary General for Children and Armed Conflict
Shafferan Sonneveld
Global Advocacy Director
Muslims for Progressive Values
Edward J. Flynn
Senior Human Rights Office
UN Counter-Terrorism Executive Directorate
Dr. Emeka Obiezu
Main Representative, Augustinians International
Vice Chair of the UN NGO Committee on Migration
Dennis W. Frado, Moderator
Director, Lutheran Office for World Community, ELCA
Main Representative at UN, The Lutheran World Federation
Forced Migration, Human Trafficking and Child Soldiers: How ISIL is Exploiting the Conflict in the Middle East, hosted by the UN Programs of the Department of Inter-Orthodox, Ecumenical and...
Greek Orthodox Archdiocese of America Sponsors UN Event on ISIL and Human Trafficking